Picto in the media
Lanakense ontwikkelt pictogrammentaal... (January 2018)
An interview for TV Limburg in which the technologies are described and demo sentences are shown.

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Radio 1 - Nieuwe Feiten: Picto (January 2018)
An interview for Radio 1 in which famous Belgians try out the Picto translation system for themselves!

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Kom naar buiten met je onderzoek! (December 2017)
An article by Leen Sevens for KU Leuven Blogt on creative science communication.

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Text2Picto sloopt muren (December 2017)
An article by De Taalsector about the Falling Walls Lab and the Language Industry Awards.
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Lanakense vindt systeem uit dat tekst vertaalt naar pictogrammen (November 2017)
An interview with het Belang van Limburg, a Belgian newspaper.

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Computational Linguist Leen Sevens Talks to Durtti (May 2017)
An interview with Durtti, a website connected to the Artificial Intelligence community on LinkedIn.

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Leen Sevens Wins the Falling Walls Lab in Leuven (March 2017)
A short article by the Faculty of Arts on Leen's participation in the Falling Walls Lab. Leen's presentation, "Breaking the Wall of Illiteracy", won both the Audience Award and the Jury's 1st Prize.

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E-Including the Illiterate (IEEE Potentials 36(1): 29-33) (January 2017)
An article written for IEEE Potentials by Vincent Vandeghinste, Leen Sevens, and Ineke Schuurman. Abstract: In present-day society, we communicate over the Internet in several media forms. We put videos and images online, listen to music made by famous bands or by our friends, and read and write a lot of text. Never in the history of mankind have we produced more text than at this present moment, so being able to read and write is an important way of taking part in our society. We tend to forget that, even in our educated communities, not all people can read or write and there exist several degrees of literateness. People with reduced cognitive capacities and those migrating from cultures with a different language, or even a completely different writing system, are excluded from fully taking part in written online communication: they are e-excluded.

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Onderzoek in de Kijker @ Faculty of Arts (December 2016)
An interview with Leen for Onderzoek in de Kijker, which appeared in the December 2016 edition of the Faculty of Arts newsletter.
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Campuskrant (March 23, 2016)
An interview with Leen about the Text2Picto and Picto2Text translation engines. This article appeared both online on the KU Leuven website and in print in the March 2016 edition of Campuskrant.

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Able-to-Include Flyer (October 2015)
A flyer for the Able-to-Include project, designed by Inclusion Europe and Leen for the ICT 2015 event in Lisbon.

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Een Pictogram Zegt Meer dan Duizend Woorden (April 2015)
This short article was originally written for Tripliek, the official magazine of Downsyndroom Vlaanderen. It concerns the basic design of the Picto tools, our goals and our future plans.

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DIXIT: Tijdschrift over Taal- en Spraaktechnologie (December 2014)
Text2Picto has been featured in DIXIT magazine's "Happy with TST in mobile applications" edition, containing examples of the use of speech and language technology in apps. DIXIT is edited by TST-Centrale.

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ABLE-TO-INCLUDE and Inclusion Europe (December 2014)
Text2Picto and Picto2Text were featured in the ABLE-TO-INCLUDE newsletter and on Inclusion Europe's Facebook page: "Great news! Our partner has developed an amazing new translation tool that will greatly improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities using pictographic languages!"

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